How to get from Denpasar to Ubud using the transportation system available in Bali


how to get from Denpasar to Ubud

how to get from Denpasar to Ubud

For the tourist who grows their interest in visiting Ubud, the question of how to get from Denpasar to Ubud will be one of their ultimate questions. Ubud is certainly a place in Bali that has growing popularity among foreign tourist. Not only foreign tourist, many domestic tourists have also show great interest on this place. Located in the outside area of the capital city of Bali, Ubud offers a different vibe than the common tourism site in the capital city. This can be one main reason on why people start to grow their interest in this particular area in Bali.

Talking about the tourism industry in Bali, is has already become a major source of economic dependence for Balinese. The tourism industry has given a lot of money for the Balinese government and has also received a great help from it. This can also claimed as the one of the main business run by Balinese. It is not a secret that many Balinese depends their life in this industry. Their business touches many aspects of tourism industry including the accommodation and the transportation sector. The growing interest of people who want to come to Ubud, Bali creates a new business idea for Balinese.


The type of business arising from the question of how to get from Denpasar to Ubud

A simple question owned by tourist that wants to come to Ubud like how to get from Denpasar to Ubud can give inspiration for Balinese to run their business. The tourist who want to visit Ubud and still have that question in their mind means he/she has never come to Ubud before. It also means that they need more information that simple the way to get there. They need some recommendation for a place to stay. They also need some information about where to go in Ubud. They also need some information on a good place to eat, and to enjoy a leisure time. For this need, Balinese can develop a tourism information center, and also provide guides service to escort them in their visit in Ubud.

To ease the journey, Balinese can also provide their service in being personal driver. The tourist who has already made their reservation for the service, which can be made online, will be picked directly from the airport and dropped in their destination. This is probably the simplest way of how to get from Denpasar to Ubud safely and efficiently.


Some kind of transportation available

For the tourist that has not made their reservation for a personal driver, there is no need to worry. The tourist can chose to use the mass transportation service available in Bali. How to get from Denpasar to Ubud using mass transportation system in Bali? First, we need to list the kind of mass transportation available in Bali. Here, we have taxi, bus, and mini bus, and motor cycle (called as ojek in Indonesian term). The taxi is available right on the airport. The tourist can just jump in and ask the driver to get them to Ubud. The problem is, the cost for taxi will be a bit higher that the other kind of transportation. However, it is probably the most comfortable one. To get the other kind of transportation, the tourists need to go to the nearest station. The benefit of using the other is that they cost lower. It will make the tourist be able to save up some money for their travel. If they are good in bargaining, they can even get a very cheap price. However, the comfort of this kind of transportation cannot be guaranteed.

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